Real World Evidence from Expanded Access Programs
A 5 minute explainer on real world evidence that can be generated from large Expanded Access Programs (EAPs) for investigational medicines and an emerging “Learning Health System”. Presented by Jess Rabourn, founder of Ax-S Pharma and the Expanded Access Summit
AXSR Session 2: Tobias Polak, Real World Data from EAPs
Expanded Access Programs generate real world data of therapeutic benefit. Presented by Tobias Polak at Ax-S Thursdays, Feb 25, 2021
AXSR Session 2: Dr. Amy Abernethy, the Learning Health System
Dr. Abernethy’s initial comments on real world data, electronic health record utility, and achieving a true “Learning Health System”. Thursday, Feb 25, 2021
The Difference Between Cohort and Single-Patient Expanded Access
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Expanded Access Explained in 4 Minutes
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